A Photographic Tribute to the Beauty of the High Arctic

Frozen Latitudes is About

The passion for The Cold

The Inuit Sun-Whipper

First-hand expedition stories from the northernmost edge of the inhabitable world and beyond


The spiritual dimension, when fear exists only in our mind


The Arctic becoming un-frozen in times of global warming

Collapsing Ice-Front of Wahlenbergbreen, Spitsbergen

A fine art photobook in German and English with passionate expedition stories and a science essay from the Austrian Polar Research Institute.


FJL 150 years

Stories from the

Northernmost Edge

of the

Inhabitable World



Arctic Expeditions


The helicopter circled above ground to find a possible landing place. In a bay the pilot found a gentle hill and prepared for landing. Under the noise of the rotor blades, our expedition gears were unloaded. Then the helicopter took off and turned to the north: we were left to our own devices, abandoned in the FROZEN LATITUDES of the Arctic wilderness. Now there was no turning back.



Der Helikopter zog eine Schleife, um eine mögliche Landestelle zu sichten. In einer Bucht fand der Pilot einen sanften Hügel und setzte zur Landung an. Unter dem Lärm der Rotoren wurde unser Expeditionsgepäck ausgeladen. Dann hob der Helikopter ab und zog weiter Richtung Norden: Wir waren abgesetzt, ausgesetzt in den FROZEN LATITUDES der arktischen Wildnis. Jetzt gab es kein Zurück mehr.

The Book

Frozen Latitudes – The Book

Frozen Latitudes (“Gefrorene Breitengrade”) in German and English is my fine-art photo book which describes some of the most beautiful and remote places in the Arctic: West and East Greenland and Franz Josef Land in the middle of the Arctic Ocean.

Franz-Josef-Land was discovered exactly 150 years ago 1872-1874, which lies only 800 km from the North Pole and is therefore strongly affected by climate change.


Frozen Latitudes Events

Arctic Exhibition

Visit the Arctic exhibition at the natural science museum in Vienna until 22.9.2024, with photographic contributions from Frozen Latitudes and the scientific advisory of the Austrian Polar Research Institute.

Polar Talks

Join us at the Austrian Polar Research Institute’s Polar Talks at the Natural History Museum Vienna. Check out the next talks.

North-East Greenland Expedition

We are organizing in 2025 a sailing expedition along the North-East Greenlandic coast exploring the Kaiser Franz Josef and King Oscar Fjord systems. A few places are left. Are you interested? Use the contact form to get in touch!


Frozen Latitudes Essays Blog

Read my passionate essays blog from the FROZEN LATITUDES and join me at one of the upcoming FROZEN LATITUDES events.


Photo by Marco Nescher, 2018     Have you heard about Sortebrae-friendships? Can glaciers of cold and frozen matter create friendships? Just search on the Internet for “Sortebrae” and you will come across a few hits, mainly references to scientific papers on the ice dynamics of this large East Greenland outlet glacier at 69° northern…


Frozen Latitudes: Vom fotografischen Herzensprojekt zum eigenen Bildband

Sandra Petrowitz berichtet über die Entstehungsgeschichte, Hintergründe und Erfahrungen des Buchprojektes FROZEN LATITUDES im fotoespresso 3/20. Freier Download unter! »Manchmal musst ein Wagnis eingehen«, sagt Ruhsam. »Sonst liegst halt im Bett und stirbst. Auch fad.« Vom Foto zum Fine Art Print, von Reiseeindrücken zum Fotobuch: Viele Fotografen möchten ihre Bilder nicht nur am Bildschirm…
