The Spiritual Dimensions of the High Arctic

During every visit to the Arctic I return grateful for the life deepening experiences I receive. Nature is so close and so vast. In this amazing silence and space, I feel gratitude for life-in-abundance stimulated from the scarce and sometimes hostile environment. It is also about the daily experience of freedom empowered by a self…


Photo by Marco Nescher, 2018     Have you heard about Sortebrae-friendships? Can glaciers of cold and frozen matter create friendships? Just search on the Internet for “Sortebrae” and you will come across a few hits, mainly references to scientific papers on the ice dynamics of this large East Greenland outlet glacier at 69° northern…

Fundamental Change

A number of scientists who have actually been working with sea ice measurement had predicted some years ago that the retreat of Arctic summer sea ice would accelerate as it is part of a fundamental change. The same applies to the land ice masses like the Greenlandic ice sheet.

Unwrapping Frozen Latitudes

Sitting on a Grass Roof Enjoying a Wienerwald Spring morning on the grass roof of our shed   I could see a parcel delivery van turning into our side road and stopping in front of our house. On the parcel I spotted the letters “Seltmann PrintArt” and knew it was the delivery of the first…

Frozen Latitudes become real

Printing Frozen Latitudes Here in Lüdenscheid, Germany, the fine arts print company Seltmann Printart has started today with the print production of Frozen Latitudes. I’m here to sign-off the individual print sheets and fine tune the color settings. We are printing on a Heidelberg Speedmaster printer which is filling a whole hall of the print…