Kann man Winter riechen?
Was macht einen Winter aus? Woran erkennt man, dass Winter ist? Kann man Winter riechen und schmecken? Bericht aus dem Winter im hohen Norden der Frozen Latitudes in “Land der Berge”.
Was macht einen Winter aus? Woran erkennt man, dass Winter ist? Kann man Winter riechen und schmecken? Bericht aus dem Winter im hohen Norden der Frozen Latitudes in “Land der Berge”.
A number of scientists who have actually been working with sea ice measurement had predicted some years ago that the retreat of Arctic summer sea ice would accelerate as it is part of a fundamental change. The same applies to the land ice masses like the Greenlandic ice sheet.
Man schrieb das Jahr 1990, als uns die Durchquerung der westgrönländischen Halbinsel Nuugssuaq die Morphologie des Eises als ästhetisches Phänomen bewusst werden ließ.
CONTACT ME I’m Christoph, as passionate outdoor enthusiast and photographer of Pure Landscapes, focusing on the Arctic and how it is impacted by global warming. Aside my main occupation in the IT industry I’m the Austrian Polar Research Institute Media Officer, publishing its faculties research results for the public audience and press media on the…
Since decades (around 30 years), I travel to the High Arctic. Unlike the stay-at-home-theorists, I experienced this vast environment first hand for many times. Here is what I saw regarding the global warming effects. And sometimes, it breaks my heart to see the beauty fade. We often traveled across the High Arctic by foot. During…
Since 30 years, I travel to the High Arctic. It would be an understatement if I’d say that this time has formed my life, mind and Soul. Here is, how it all started, and why I come back every time and share my experiences with the world. My wife Ursi and I, along with our friend Martin, once…